Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Just Hide It

Her heart is heavy so she puts on her purple bathrobe.
It is soft and flowing... a comfort.
The pillowcases are still in the dryer. Do they really serve a purpose?

Everything will be okay... but today, I am not. Tomorrow, I don't know.

I am becoming surrounded by things I have made. Paintings, drawings, objects, transparencies...
They are somehow all trying to do something for me, but what?
I suppose I will figure that out someday.

goob dye for now.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Goodbye September, Adieu!

I like old brooms, all bristled and such

My sinuses are in a jam... let's hope this gets fixed immediately

A sincere thank you to the legend Jim Henson and his brain

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Consistently Inconsistent

She's like a little bird
She flies from a to b
To see what she can see

Oh Goldfrapp. Oh.

Consistency is something I lack in all areas of life.
I am inconsistent with blogging, running, making art... the list is endless, really.

Anyway, there isn't a need to dwell on this, the point is that I'm here now and I'm... in outer space?

Not really, but my mind has been for a while, and I feel that maybe, just maybe, it's coming down to land. Could it be so?

I'm hoping to find some consistency with landing... aren't we all sometimes?

Do I ask enough questions?

In other news, the Mergirl from my last distant post is famous now. Well... she's become a painting, and I love her. I love her as a painting, I'll have to post a picture some day. Oh I will.

I'm working on so many things, so many things I can't break down for you right now... but here is a glimpse.

I wish the best upon your wish...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's All So Beautiful

Everything is changing. I am making it happen.
Will I be a mermaid on land again?
That's okay. I can grow legs.
I don't know, but I'm going to find you, Happiness.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Weave Some Wonder

What a strange week or so it's been for me. All kinds of emotions running amuck.
I seem to be sensitive to odd things lately. I cried after an episode of MTV's "16 and Pregnant." Ha!

Actually, I'm watching TLC's "Baby Story" right now... What's up with the bebes? I couldn't tell you.
I do not desire to have a baby, not one bit. Maybe it is just the notion of life beginning... I think i'd like a new beginning.

Fascinations, fascinations.

I feel particularly connected to the Voxtrot song "Kid Gloves" at the moment.
Yes, I'm a vanity whore.

On sunday I sat alone at one of our lovely state parks under a tree with a big pillow, a blanket, an old school lawn chair, my sketch books, magazines and a novel. I drew, read, slept. There were families everywhere, children screaming, kites flying, dogs barking, the smell of grilled things in the air.... it was so beautiful. so so beautiful. I could see the ocean yet I was lying on the grass (I'm not a huge fan of sand). I need to remember that life can be like this too. I need to remember a lot of things.

Some things I'll never forget :
1) My true love, Yellow. (baby blanket, tee) Where I go, Yellow goes.
2) The Lord's Prayer. Haha.
3) How to bake delicious banana bread
4) How to drive... Oh how I love driving around aimlessly.
5) my ABC's?

Okay. It's raining. I'm going to watch two movies tonight because I have tomorrow off. I tried iced coffee today. Soy is great. Don't forget to be a kid and eat at some donuts.

Cousin Abby... If this doesn't make you smile, you need some candy.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I Would Forget About Everything

I sleep, and hope to dream for moments like this.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thank You Much?

Hi. Hi Hi Hi!

"Is it a dream? Is it a lie? I think I'll let you decide!"

That's from an Arcade Fire song... that I listen to when I run... that line always catches me, and I love it.

I'm about to clean up my room, or actually... I was until I decided to update, and now that I'm updating (in my comfy bed) I'm realizing how tired I am. Maybe I should nap. Working at an old school bakery = chronic need for daily naps.

I've been wearing these awesome socks all day. They give me magical abilities.

I also purchased these fantastical earrings while in Newport last week. Blurry picture, but the colors are what make me love them anyway.

I've been making these wondrous little drawings of insect/plant lady things... pictures to come, just not right now. I do however, have a very special picture to share... My beautiful cousin, who I've so delicately made anonymous.

And hey, it's going to be okay.